You've decided that the right thing to do for yourself and your body is to quit smoking, but you don't want to quit with nicotine replacement, since you've heard so many stories about people getting just as hooked on nicotine gum and the like. It's easier than you think without nicotine replacement.
The problem with nicotine replacement is that it deals with the physical symptoms of the smoking addiction. That's great and all, but your mind is far more addicted to smoking than the rest of your body.
The problem with nicotine replacement is that it deals with the physical symptoms of the smoking addiction. That's great and all, but your mind is far more addicted to smoking than the rest of your body.
The hard part about quitting smoking relates to how much your mind is convinced that it needs cigarettes to function properly. Not that you can blame it, you've trained it to connect stress, happiness, partying, and all kinds of other things with smoking. Understanding and accepting that is pivotal to quitting smoking.
Think about non-smokers. They don't have any problem being happy or stressed without smoking. You, on the other hand, have convinced yourself that you need a cigarette whenever you're stressed. This isn't because of any sort of chemical need that your body has for a cigarette, it's because you believe that the cigarette somehow helps. It doesn't.
The key to quitting smoking is to break those connections in your mind. Try breaking one of those triggers at a time and sticking with it. Over time, your mind will re-learn that it doesn't need nicotine to deal with stress, happiness, or being around friends. Non-smokers don't need cigarettes to deal with any of these things, why should you?
Modern society and the tobacco industry have smokers convinced that you need a cigarette to do anything. It's present (although decreasing) in movies, societal stereotypes, and everywhere else. Once you understand this, you can break free from the habit of smoking. There's a great guide on quitting smoking that doesn't require you to buy any sort of nicotine replacement, because it unravels all of the myths about smoking.
If you want to learn how to quit smoking right now, without leaving the computer (even while still smoking!), take a look at this guide to quitting today, and kick the filthy habit once and for all!
Techniques to Help You Quit Smoking
More people try to quit smoking and fail every year than those who are successful world-wide. If you are one of them, it's not because you are a weak individual, a smoker's addiction to nicotine is one of the most powerful addictions in the world. It has been compared to addiction to hard drugs in the difficulty of stopping and in staying off of tobacco. If you or someone you know is on the fence about quitting tobacco, the following are some techniques and tips that can be used to help make the smoking cessation effort have a higher chance of being successful.
Develop Your Stop Smoking Plan
A lot of smokers do not make a stop smoking plan before deciding to quit smoking. Although you may think this just consists of making a "quit date" and going from there, you need to put more effort into your stop smoking attempt. Creating a plan that consists of identifying any smoking cessation aids, methods or techniques that you will use as well as how these aids will get you to a final quit date will go a long way to kicking the habit for good.
Technique - Don't Lie to Yourself
Many smokers try to convince themselves that they didn't enjoy smoking and then use the same thought process to talk their way back into smoking.
Use Smoking Cessation Products
You don't have to use a Nicotine Replacement Therapy as a stop smoking aid. There are herbal remedies out there which do not contain nicotine. You will have to do your research to pick the right product for yourself, but time taken at this stage of you smoking cessation efforts will benefit you in a greater probability of quitting tobacco.
Reduce the Amount of Coffee, Alcohol, and Sugar You Ingest
Coffee and alcohol are two of the triggers that make smokers fail in their attempts to kick the habit. These will make you want to smoke and could result in you breaking down and having a cigarette.
Increase Your Water Intake
Your body is going to go through withdrawal symptoms when you quit. In order to help the purge of the toxins in your body, increase the amount of water that you drink.
Take Up Yoga
A lot of ex-smokers have found that taking up yoga helps relieve the extra anxiety and stress that is created when they try to quit. It can also help reduce your nicotine cravings.
Start Exercising, or Increase Your Exercise Frequency
Many ex-smokers have turned to jogging or other cardio exercise to take the place of the "high" that smoking gave them. It also helps reduce the dreaded weight gain that smokers are known to experience when kicking the habit.
Get Support from Your Family and Friends
You will need as much help as you can get from your friends and family to quit smoking, so why not engage them at the start? Failure to seek out an adequate support system many times leads to a failed stop smoking effort.
Technique - Manage Nicotine Withdrawal
You will need to find a way to deal with the nicotine withdrawal symptoms. You have to want to quit to get through them. Using smoking cessation products helps, but so does knowing what to expect as you recover from being a smoker does as well.
Technique- Take Care of Yourself
Set goals in your smoking cessation efforts, and as you obtain them give yourself a reward.
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